Harmony Hensley, Ambassador for 99 Balloons

99 balloons refers to what was released at the funeral of Eliot Mooney- each balloon representing a day he spent on this earth. You can learn more about Eliot’s life by watching the video here or through the blog that his parents, Matt & Ginny, kept during his life. Among the many gifts he brought his parents was a passion to help children with special needs and their families.

99 Balloons Inc. was founded in 2007 to serve as a non-profit umbrella organization in order to fulfill this vision. rEcess was the first 99 Balloon’s initiative. The capitalized “E” in rEcess is no mistake. The Mooneys were on the receiving end of much help and assistance from others that enabled them to better care for Eliot, and that is what this night is all about- serving families in ways that help them better care for their children.

99 Balloons has grown to become an organization that helps others engage children with special needs locally and globally